Teaching ALF Administration 101 this Week

There’s nothing like giving a live presentation for generating interactive energy between attendees and the presenter. I appreciated the audience questions I received during the ALF Administration 101 presentation at the FHCA Annual Conference & Trade Show earlier this week.  Questions tended to pop around Adverse Incident and Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation requirements, especially since these compliance areas differ between Assisted Living Facilities and Skilled Nursing Facilities. Ironically, just as I was getting into the Emergency Preparedness segment, the hotel’s alarm system sounded and called for an evacuation of the conference center.  We all easily exited to the outside courtyard and were able to re-enter after 5-10 minutes, but that did mean I had to rush through the Local Authorities/Survey Enforcement segment of the presentation.  Still, we concluded on time, and I was able to share a unique one-pager on Assisted Living Regulatory Updates between April 2021 through June of this year; there have been quite a few.

Florida is lucky to have a few reputable State Associations representing Assisted Living Facilities. Be sure to connect with one and attend their in-person events when you can. Even better than getting your mandatory 12-hours of continuing education, you’ll learn how to sidestep compliance issues and build a network of like-minded colleagues.

In the spirit of camaraderie, I’m sharing a snippet from ALF Administration 101 that touches on changes to the Agency’s Minimum Emergency Management Planning Criteria for ALFs. Plan for extra development time when updating your CEMP this year.

Snippet re CEMP Changes for ALFs (July 2024)

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